Friday, July 23, 2010

A bit of advice

Here are three reasons why you should NEVER take your children with you when you go bathing suit shopping:

1. They will laugh when they see your butt. (And you'll have to remind them again to keep their eyes closed)

2. They will describe the suit you are wearing as looking "country". (I have no idea what that means when a 6 year old says it, but it was meant as a compliment)

3. When you're wearing a suit that actually fits, they will say, "Wow mom, that's way too big." And you will have to correct them by saying, "No it's not, sweety. That's what it's supposed to look like."

No matter how inconvenient, just don't do it! Beg; plead; pay someone to watch your kids for a few hours. Do whatever you have to, just don't bring your kids with you! I know they're little and they don't really know what they're saying, but it's just not good for the self-esteem!

1 comment:

Wynne said...

I finally remembered how to sign in to make comments! YAY! You should have let them drive the car around the parking lot while you shopped. You don't need those "helpful" comments! It makes me think of when Melissa was maybe 2? and Aunt Janet took her in the bathroom with her while she showered, and after she got undressed Melissa looked at her and said, "Wow. What a body." Keep in mind she was pregnant at the time. KIDS SAY THE DARNDEST THINGS! GOTTA LOVE 'EM!