Sunday, August 16, 2009

I need some advice

Leah has acquired a nasty habit. She pulls her hair out and plays with it. She does it when she's tired or just laying around and bored. She only does it on the one side of her head too. So, the ponytail on that side of her head is noticeably shorter and thinner than the other ponytail (when I do pigtails). What can I do to help her kick the habit? I know she does it a lot when she laying in bed, about to fall asleep. That's not exactly a time when I can watch and distract her. Got any suggestions?


The Mathews Family said...

Does she pull it out in clumps?... or just one piece at a time? I'm not sure what you could do. Maybe just call your pediatrician and ask if it is a sensory issue or something like that... maybe if she does it only when she's resting she needs that touch sense to relax. Could you replace it with a special snuggly or something? My niece used to twist her hair in the same spot until a bunch of it came out. My sister-in-law ended up just cutting her hair really short and after awhile my niece decided she wanted long hair like her friends and the rule was that she had to stop twisting her hair to be able to grow it out. Sorry... not much help. Hang in there!

Jenn said...

We knew a little girl that did the same thing. They went to the pediatritian as well - same advice your friend above just gave. They ended up having to cut her hair short (acutally shave it, but she was really little) - but hopefully your little girl is not that extreme and some other measures will work first.