Wednesday, August 17, 2011

I had milk on my cereal this morning

But I'm not the one that put it there. I never put milk on my cereal. I think it's gross. Why was it on my Cheerios's then, you ask? Well, that's because my super, sweetheart son, Eli, got up at 6:45am and made everyone in the family cereal for breakfast. He did it without being asked. He just wanted to do something nice.

Fortunately, I heard him in the kitchen and got out of bed to see what he was doing. That's when I saw five bowls of cereal with milk and five spoons nicely set out on the table and all the food put away. I didn't complain about the milk. I eat my cereal like a good girl and said thank you. (I poured the milk out though. I like milk, but when it's on cereal, it makes me want to puke.) And I ate it quickly, before it got soggy. Some family members weren't so lucky to wake up as early as me.


aunt Janet said...

I'm with you! I hate soggy cereal! I put maybe a teaspoon of milk on it.

A Wink and a Smile said...

how sweet of him! i'm the opposite, i wait for the cereal to be soggy, i hate crunching things in between my teeth. it's weird i know, but so is no cereal!