Sunday, July 1, 2012

The Harvest

I have this super great, little garden box in my back yard.  I planted some veggies in there back in May and hoped something would grow.  Now I have giant plants back there and some are even starting to produce edible things.  I have one cherry tomato plant that is crazy big.  I call it the tree.  It's taller than Noah.  It might even be taller than Leah.  Anyway, yesterday, I got to enjoy the first cherry tomato of the season.  Here is it:

I was kind enough to slice off a bit of it to give to one of my hired hands.  I loved it.  He didn't.  He spit his part out.  I won't be sharing any tomatos with him again!

I just have to say that gardening is so rewarding.  I didn't quite get it until I got my own garden.  I love it.  I even love going out there every morning to water my "little planties".  And I will admit that maybe I talk to the plants, sometimes, maybe, every day.

1 comment:

Shaina said...

Yay! Success! We have 5 squash/zucchini on our counter now to be enjoyed soon. Also, I had to reread the word "planties" more than once to understand what you were watering every morning. I have spent WAY too much time around your brother.