Monday, December 14, 2009


Do you ever feel like throwing aways all your kids' toys because your sick of seeing them all over the floor, picking them up, stepping on them, not being able to cross a room without risking life and limb because of all the little landmines all over the floor?


Sarah Burgoyne said...

Never. I've also never twisted my ankle stepping on a dress up shoe.

The Mathews Family said...

Yes. And I have. :o)

Grammy said...

They will protect you from burglars. Anyone breaking in at night will fall on something and not be able to run away from the police. It kept my house safe all those years while you were growing up!

Kenny and Janelle said...

Definitely...but I agree with is a safety feature that comes included with each child!!

The Tavares' said...

Ummmm...yes, all the time. I have actually tossed a few, especially before Christmas. It makes me feel better. :D