Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The chocolate worked!

I never really thought it would fail. Chocolate always comes through for me in a pinch!

This past Sunday, I taught my lesson in Relief Society. It went really well. I felt so good afterward! That's how it's supposed to be. I think it's all because I handed out 2 bags of Hershey's Kisses at the beginning. There was lots of participation, which is always (almost always) a good thing. I didn't see anyone falling asleep. It was great. I also did my hair curly that day (that's known as a crazy hair day). I think that helped too!

Of course, the good lesson had nothing to do with a month's worth of preparation, prayer, and the Spirit helping me out. Well, maybe those things helped a little.

1 comment:

Shaina said...

I'm glad your lesson went well, I'm sure your hair looked great, and way to rock the hyperlinks in your blog!