Saturday, May 17, 2008

Adventures in being a groupy

Last night I went to the book signing of The Host by Stephenie Meyer. It was really fun! It was at Thanksgiving Point in their Barn Theater thing. There were about 993 women in attendance and 7 men. I felt bad for the men and wanted to ask them how they got coaxed into going, but I wasn't sitting near any of them.

So, we got there at 6pm and got a great seat in the second to last row. Stephenie came out at 7, talked for about 20 minutes and then spent the next 4 hours or so signing books. She's a real trooper. I don't think my hand could handle that kind of abuse! She chatted with us as we passed in line. She seemed super cool! I'm amazed that after 8 sharpies and 4 hours, she can still be pleasant to total strangers. I guess it helps that we love her books and have basically made her rich.
Anyway, we had to wait for a long time to get our books signed, but it was cool. I went with 4 other ladies, only one of which I had seen more than once (that would be you, Brittney). It's amazing how total strangers can fill 6 hours with chit-chat about babies, pregnancies, scary stories and all sorts of other things. I had a great time. It was a fun adventure and I would totally do it again. But next time, I'll make sure I sit a little closer to the front so that it's not midnight before I get home to a worried husband who was about to start calling hospitals to find out if I was still alive.
Here are some crappy pictures of Stephenie and one of us ladies. This might be the best pregnancy picture of me you guys get to see. Although, I have received some threats that some of my readers might morph into paparazzi and sneak pictures of me when I am unaware.


Jenn said...

I'm jealous. We love her books out here. I'm sure if she signed out here I would go!

Sarah Burgoyne said...

Thats so great, you have to take advantage of such oppertunities when ever possible. Especially before you're strapped to a baby that has to be nursed every couple hours :)

Julia said...

that is so awesome you got to go to that! I'm jealous for sure!

Shaina said...

when is was in 6th grade I stood in line for 45 minutes to have a poster signed by the whole group of 98 degrees. Probably not on the same level of your experience, but they were freakin' hot!
Yeah for you to get a good 6 hour break from screaming kids too!

Michael said...

By the way, that last post was Mike, not Shaina speaking. ;)