Saturday, April 5, 2008

Cute pictures of my kids

Finally, I'm putting up some super cute Easter pics of my kids. Enjoy!


Michael said...

Freaking adorable! Those pictures give a taste of how much fun was had that Easter Sunday. Keep on posting cute pics of the rugrats!

Shaina said...

I love the one of Leah walking down the hill by herself. With the cute dress and just the way her chubby legs are trying to make their way down with out toppling her over she looks like a little doll! (lip bite)

Mike said...

I like the transition of Eli's shirt in the pictures going from tucked to untucked...but I'm sure it only came untucked once and then stayed that way the rest of the day.

Can Shaina and I have Baby Leah?

Becca Bell said...

Mike-No you can't have her, but you can borrow her sometimes. Isn't she cute? I just wanted to stare at her all that day, but staring is not polite, so I didn't.